Sense about Sensitivity
When teeth hurt, the sooner we reach the root of the problem, the sooner the pain disappears. What triggers tooth pain? Heat, cold, touch, air, sweet or sour foods. If you recently had a cavity filled, that area may be [...]
When teeth hurt, the sooner we reach the root of the problem, the sooner the pain disappears. What triggers tooth pain? Heat, cold, touch, air, sweet or sour foods. If you recently had a cavity filled, that area may be [...]
Fighting periodontal (gum) disease through meticulous daily hygiene and regular dental appointments is brilliant. You preserve your beautiful smile and sweet breath, maintain the health of your teeth and gums, and protect your overall health in the bargain! Periodontal disease—a [...]
You grew up with fluoride. Your teeth show it in the very fact that you still have them. Before 1945, by the time your nest was empty, your mouth was often empty as well. But when cities began adding it [...]
Whitening, or bleaching, is a way to lighten teeth without bonding material to the teeth or removing any sound tooth structure. In this respect, it's one of the most conservative cosmetic procedures we have. Here's how it works. How does [...]
Keeping Our Office Safe For You We follow all guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and American Dental Association, particularly sterilization procedures for instruments used in the mouth. This means high speed drills too. Our autoclave is state-of-the-science—it's [...]
Oral Cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the world, it kills about one-third of those diagnosed with it, and 28,000 new cases occur each year. And over 25% of oral cancers occur in people who don't smoke or [...]
There's no substitute for a dental X-ray in seeing everything we need to know about your teeth, jaw and sinuses. We can diagnose decay under old fillings, abscesses, bone loss due to periodontal (gum) disease, cancer and tumors, extra and [...]
The most famous smile in history belongs to Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting, the Mona Lisa. Generations of art analysts have speculated over its meaning. Seductive? Bashful? Secretly knowing? Or could it be, given her upturned—but firmly closed lips, that [...]
When You'll Need a Crown For whatever reason, your tooth needs reinforcement and restoration. Perhaps it's an unsightly color. Maybe you cracked it on a popcorn kernel—or it's been weakened by several fillings. Maybe you've had root canal therapy. You're [...]
Your mouth is an early warning system. Changes in tissue color, persistent sores, chipped and eroded teeth, and excessive tartar buildup are certainly unattractive. But, more important, these variations from the norm can also be vital evidence of serious ill-health. [...]