Regular Check-Ups
Come on in for a check-up, we’re happy to see you again! We enjoy catching up with the news in your life—and we pride ourselves on providing you that "stitch in time" that can prevent trouble. If a problem is [...]
Come on in for a check-up, we’re happy to see you again! We enjoy catching up with the news in your life—and we pride ourselves on providing you that "stitch in time" that can prevent trouble. If a problem is [...]
Inflammation That Could Be Deadly Illness or injury to your body should trigger your immune system to heat up at that location and essentially smoke out the enemy. If your immune system is healthy, when the mission is accomplished, the [...]
Love Your Gums! Treating gum disease can actually reduce the severity of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Arthritis sufferers may soon be jumping for joy. Yes—in case you needed another reason to nip gum disease in the bud, researchers are demonstrating a [...]
Fighting periodontal (gum) disease through meticulous daily hygiene and regular dental appointments is brilliant. You preserve your beautiful smile and sweet breath, maintain the health of your teeth and gums, and protect your overall health in the bargain! Periodontal disease—a [...]
You grew up with fluoride. Your teeth show it in the very fact that you still have them. Before 1945, by the time your nest was empty, your mouth was often empty as well. But when cities began adding it [...]
There's no substitute for a dental X-ray in seeing everything we need to know about your teeth, jaw and sinuses. We can diagnose decay under old fillings, abscesses, bone loss due to periodontal (gum) disease, cancer and tumors, extra and [...]
Your mouth is an early warning system. Changes in tissue color, persistent sores, chipped and eroded teeth, and excessive tartar buildup are certainly unattractive. But, more important, these variations from the norm can also be vital evidence of serious ill-health. [...]
Start reading labels to choose the right toothpaste for you and your family. All toothpastes have certain ingredients in common. They'll contain mild abrasives for scrubbing, foaming detergents to help float away debris, fluoride to protect tooth enamel, thickening agents [...]
What is Scaling and Root Planing? When You Need A Deep Cleaning... If you have periodontal (gum) problems, you'll probably become familiar with one of the primary therapies to treat gum disease: scaling and root planing. We also may recommend [...]
Do you have bad breath? Also known as halitosis, the condition may cause embarrassment and self-consciousness, but it can also mean there is a problem with your oral health. So, take action by finding the cause and the treatment! Call [...]