Frequently Asked Questions

Emergency Dental Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) & Answers.

Emergency rooms typically do not handle dental issues, as emergency physicians are not trained in dental care. If you’re experiencing severe tooth pain and need urgent dental attention, please contact Dentcare Now right away to schedule an appointment.
Yes, we do accept walk-ins. However, we recommend scheduling formal appointments, as we prioritize patients with appointments. This helps reduce wait times, especially in emergencies.
Dentcare Now is open 7 days a week, Monday – Sunday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, including weekdays, weekends, evenings, and holidays! We can generally see you same day to treat your dental emergency!
Yes. Please ask us for more information during your appointment or view our flexible financing options online.
Yes, some members of our staff speak Spanish. Availability may vary depending on staffing at your appointment time. We recommend calling us ahead of your visit so we can assist you accordingly.
Yes, we can help preserve your tooth. Please bring the knocked-out tooth with you when you come to our office. We will take immediate action to save it and address the injury.

It’s crucial to seek emergency dental care as soon as possible, as the chances of saving the tooth depend on how quickly you act.

Swelling often indicates an infection, and it’s important to see a dentist as soon as possible. Untreated infections in the mouth can lead to long-term health issues.

Here are some tips for managing swelling at home:

  • Avoid chewing on the side of the affected tooth and steer clear of hot or cold foods and drinks, as your tooth may be sensitive to temperature changes.
  • Apply clove oil directly to the tooth for pain relief; it can be found at most drugstores.
  • Use a cold pack on your jaw over the swollen area to reduce inflammation and provide temporary numbness. You can gently massage the numbed cheek to help ease discomfort.
  • Over-the-counter pain relief may help unless you have been prescribed a different medication. If you have chronic liver or kidney conditions, consult your healthcare provider before using acetaminophen or ibuprofen, and discuss any history of stomach ulcers or gastrointestinal bleeding as well.
Yes, Dentcare Now provide sedation dentistry options. Please call our Fairfax emergency dental office at (703) 520-9985 for more details.
If your tooth is broken, chipped, or fractured, it’s important to see your dentist as soon as possible. The inner part of the tooth can be exposed to outside elements, which may lead to further damage, infection, or even tooth loss.

To protect the tooth while you wait for your appointment, you can place a piece of sugar-free gum over the damaged area. The treatment will depend on the extent of the damage. If only a small piece of enamel is affected, it can often be repaired in one visit. However, a severely damaged tooth may require a more extensive procedure or even extraction.

Typically, no. Advances in dental technology over the past decade have made root canals much more comfortable, similar to getting a filling. A local anesthetic is administered to numb the area before the procedure starts, ensuring a more seamless experience.
If your sensitivity is worsening over time, it’s wise to see a dentist. Sometimes, it could be due to excessive pressure on your teeth. Consider switching toothpaste brands and avoid whitening products, as they can weaken enamel and increase sensitivity. Additionally, make sure you’re not brushing too hard—try using a softer-bristled toothbrush and brush more gently.
If your filling has come out, it’s important to schedule an appointment at Dentcare Now as soon as possible. Untreated cavities can lead to more serious issues. In the meantime, keep your teeth as clean as possible. After eating or drinking, rinse your mouth with lukewarm water to remove any debris.
Here at Dentcare Now, we will gladly accept all PPO insurance plans and try to help maximize your reimbursements by filing claims on your behalf. If you have insurance, we will help you determine the coverage you have available. In order to best assist you, it is important that you submit your dental and/or medical insurance information to us with your New Patient Paperwork a minimum of 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. This allows us time to contact your insurance company and obtain a breakdown of the full benefits. During your visit, we will go over your treatment plan and give you an estimate of what your insurance will pay but this is not a guarantee of payment. We can also discuss payment options for financing through our third-party partners. The remaining balance(s) after insurance payment is the patient’s responsibility, so we thank you in advance for promptly meeting your obligations. After sixty days, if our office has not received payment from the patient’s insurance company, the insurance balance will then become the patient’s responsibility. We accept most major credit cards, cash, and money orders. We do not accept personal checks.

For more information please call our office at (703) 520-9985 or visit our Insurance page.

If you have a question that isn’t addressed on our emergency dental FAQ page, please give us a call at (703) 520-9985. Our representative will be happy to assist you with any inquiries you may have.